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Resource Archive
Pentecost Year C
May 30, 2022
How do we experience the Spirit of Truth?
In this week's gospel Jesus tells the disciples in their final moments together that when he is gone they will be able not only to do all...
Pentecost Year C
May 30, 2022
Hasn't this happened to Philip before?
Did you know… . . .that this is not the first time Philip has heard Jesus talk about "greater things" coming in the future? This week's...
Pentecost Year C
May 30, 2022
Where is the Spirit of Truth moving you?
Each week we'll highlight a current event or ongoing story from world and reflect on it through the lens of the gospel. First check out...
Pentecost Year C
May 29, 2022
Why don't I always get what I ask for?
This week we invite you to do a Lectio Divina practice with your group using the readings from the gospel. Below is a recording of the...
Pentecost Year C
May 29, 2022
RESPOND: How do you respond to the Spirit of Truth?
Set aside 5-10 minutes this week to read the gospel story aloud with your children. Take a moment to think about how you might like to...
Pentecost Year C
May 29, 2022
DINNER: Hasn't this happened to Philip before?
Take some time at dinner one night this week to read this fun fact and then discuss some of the questions. Did you know... …that Philip...
Pentecost Year C
May 29, 2022
ACTIVITY: What is a Spirit of Truth?
In this week's gospel Jesus promises his disciples that when he is gone God will send them the Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of Truth, to...
Pentecost Year C
May 29, 2022
BEDTIME: What didn't I get today?
During your bedtime routine, invite your children into a time of reflection about their day, maybe by saying, "Did you know that God...
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