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Resource Archive
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
What is the opposite of the Kin(g)dom of God?
In this week's gospel we hear Jesus naming both "blessings" and "woes." If you read the verses carefully you'll notice that the list of...
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
What is the difference between 'The Plain' and 'The Mount?'
Did you know… …that the Beatitudes we hear in this week's gospel from Luke are different than the one's in Matthew? The authors of...
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
Why do some people have to choose between food and safety?
Each week we'll highlight a current event or ongoing story from world and reflect on it through the lens of the gospel. First check out...
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
How do you feel blessings and woes in your body?
This week we invite you to do a walking, or movement based, meditation practice using this reading from the gospel. Below is a recording...
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
RESPOND: How do you respond to blessings and woes?
Set aside 5-10 minutes this week to read the gospel story aloud or listen to a reading of it with your children. Take a moment to think...
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
DINNER: What's the difference between 'The Plain' and 'The Mount?'
Take some time at dinner one night this week to read this fun fact and then discuss some of the questions. Did you know... …that the...
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
ACTIVITY: What do you have too much of?
In this week's gospel Jesus is highlighting the differences between those who have more than they need and those who don't have enough. ...
Epiphany 6 Year C
Feb 6, 2022
BEDTIME: Do some people have more than other people?
During your bedtime routine, invite your children into a time of reflection about their day, maybe by saying, "Did you know that God...
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