In this week's gospel reading we hear the story of Jesus calling Peter into discipleship in the beginning of his ministry. Before inviting him to follow, though, Jesus first helps Peter catch multiple boatloads of fish! After not having been able to catch any fish all day, and likely believing he would go home empty handed, Peter is overwhelmed by the abundance of food he has been given by Jesus. In response to this abundance, Peter falls down before Jesus and says, "Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man." In the face of Jesus' miraculous help and the great abundance that came from it, Peter's response is to feel unworthy and guilty.
This week, pay attention to how you are responding to the loving support of others and abundance in your own life. How do you respond when you are helped or given more than you think you deserve? Remember Jesus' response to Peter, "Don't be afraid," and see what it might be like to recognize support and abundance as invitations to go forth and do God's work of love and liberation in the world. Check in with your group the next time you gather and share about your experience.