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Where does reconciliation need to happen?

Each week we'll highlight a current event or ongoing story from the world and reflect on it through the lens of the gospel. First check out the article linked below.

From NPR

Reflect and Act:

In the gospel this week a person in the crowd following Jesus cries out, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me." But Jesus responds to him saying, "Friend, who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over you? Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions." In this moment, when someone from the crowd shouts out about a dispute within their family, Jesus responds by diving deeper into the motivation for asking the question. He answers not by telling the person how to split up the inheritance, but by warning against pursuing possessions to the detriment of our relationships. He goes on to tell a story about a person who hoarded goods for themselves and died without anyone to share them with. In the face of a question about money, Jesus invites a reflection on the state of our relationships and where reconciliation might need to take place when suffering has happened.

This week's article highlights the relationship between the Catholic church and the indigenous people's of Canada and the reconciliation that is being pursued in that relationships. This begins by acknowledging the churches history of suffering and oppression in that place, as well as coming together for conversation and repentance. Where to you see relationships needing reconciliation in your community? What is one small thing you could do this week to take part in that process?

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