This week we invite you to do a Lectio Divina practice with your group using the readings from the gospel. Below is a recording of the gospel reading for you to use, or you can select people to read the gospel for each of the three parts. As you feel comfortable, take time to share your responses with the group after each step.
Step One
Play the recording once through with the intention of seeing which word or phrase jumps out to you the most. Write down or wonder about that word or phrase for a moment before sharing it with the group.
Step Two
Play the recording again with the intention of identifying what parts of the story bring up feelings of discomfort or challenging questions. Take a moment to hold these questions and feelings, without trying to answer them, and see where you feel this discomfort in your body. Share what came up for you with the group.
Step Three
Listen to the recording one more time and discuss the following questions as a group:
In both stories Jesus references, the widow of Zeraphath and Namaan's healing, he is highlighting examples of when God's healing and salvation took place beyond Israel. Beyond the community that believed it alone was part of that God's healing and saving. How does this gospel challenge some of the Christian narratives of salvation? Or even your own beliefs about it?