Week of November 29, 2020: Hope (Ages 0-4)
This month, in the spirit of rest and quiet anticipation in Advent, we are keeping the resources simple for these four weeks of the...
Week of November 29, 2020: Hope (Ages 0-4)
Week of November 22, 2020: Our Responsibility to One Another (Ages 0-4)
Week of November 15, 2020: Giving Away Our Resources (Ages 0-4)
Week of November 8, 2020: Open to the Newness of God (Ages 0-4)
Week of November 1, 2020: The Call to Action and Reflection (Ages 0-4)
Week of October 25, 2020: Asking Genuine Questions (Ages 0-4)
Week of October 18, 2020: Participating In A Different Economy (Ages 0-4)
Week of October 11, 2020: Bringing Our Full Selves (Ages 0-4)