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Resource Archive
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
What is the 'Feast of the Dedication?'
Did you know… …that in the story from this week's gospel Jesus is in Jerusalem to celebrate Hanukkah? The text calls it the "Feast of...
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
What is untouchable?
In this week's gospel Jesus says, "What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father’s...
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
Who is celebrating in your community?
Each week we'll highlight a current event or ongoing story from world and reflect on it through the lens of the gospel. First check out...
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
Are some people excluded from eternal life?
This week we invite you to do a Lectio Divina practice with your group using the readings from the gospel. Below is a recording of the...
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
RESPOND: How do you respond to Jesus the shepherd?
Set aside 5-10 minutes this week to read the gospel story aloud with your children. Take a moment to think about how you might like to...
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
DINNER: What is the 'Feast of the Dedication?'
Take some time at dinner one night this week to read this fun fact and then discuss some of the questions. Did you know... …that in this...
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
ACTIVITY: Can you recognize the voice?
In this week's gospel Jesus tells those gathered around him that he is like a shepherd, and those who believe his words are like sheep...
4th Sunday of Easter Year C
May 2, 2022
BEDTIME: Who got left out?
During your bedtime routine, invite your children into a time of reflection about their day, maybe by saying, "Did you know that God...
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