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ACTIVITY: Hide and go sheep?

Proper 19 Year C

In this week's gospel Jesus teaches the religious leaders in his community about God's love for all people by telling two stories. The first is about a shepherd who loses one sheep and rejoices when she finds it and the second is about a woman who loses a coin and rejoices when she finally finds it in her house. Both of these stories show how their is rejoicing in heaven when a person reconnects with themselves, their community, and God. This week we'll play a little hiding and finding game just like Jesus' stories. In both stories someone lost something important to them and rejoiced when they found it. This week, everyone in the family will choose one things that is important to them and give it to another family member to hide. Make sure it is hidden really well so it is hard to find. Once everyone has found their treasured item take some time to check in with one another to share what the experience was like!

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