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ACTIVITY: How can we help others feel connected?

In this week's gospel we hear the story of Jesus going out into the area surrounding the town of Gennesaret to heal someone. Because of the way this person behaved his community had sent him away and he was disconnected from his family and friends. Jesus went out of his way to go to this man, be with him while he was hurting, and heal him. The man was then able to return to his town and tell them how this connection with Jesus had healed him. Is there someone you know who if feeling disconnected or cast out from their community, friend group, or family? Take some time this week to write letters, create pieces of art, or make something to communicate that you are holding them in your heart. Either send them what you've written/created or take time to go and see them in person, even if you are only there long enough to say hello and share your gifts. Check in as a family after this activity to see what it was like for everyone.

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