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DINNER: What does the Trinity mean?

Take some time at dinner one night this week to read this fun fact and then discuss some of the questions.

Did you know...

…that people have been trying to figure out the Trinity for almost 2,000 years? In this week's gospel Jesus speaks to his disciples about the relationship between himself, the Father, and the Spirit of Truth (or Holy Spirit). One of the main challenges in understanding this relationship between the Spirit, Jesus, and what Jesus describes as his "Father in heaven" is figuring out how God can be both three "persons" and one God at the same time.

Often in the gospels Jesus talks about how he, the Holy Spirit, and the Father are in relationship with one another. Even in this week's gospel he uses words like "hear," "speak," and "declare." This means that one way to think about the Trinity is about how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are always in relationship with each other, speaking and listening in continuous conversation. So God is a relationship, which means that whenever we are in relationship we are experiencing God. Isn't that crazy!

Questions for Discussion:

1) What are some of the most important relationships in your life?

2) Who are the people that help you experience God or feel close to God? How do they do this?

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