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ACTIVITY: How do we give each other peace?

6th Sunday of Easter

This week we're gong to share our peace with one another! In the gospel story for this Sunday Jesus tells his disciples, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." It was important to Jesus to share the peace that he had found in himself with those that he loved the most. This week take some time to think about something that helps you feel peaceful, or that brings you peace. This could be a place, or an activity, or an item. Anything that brings you a sense of inner calm and grounding. When each member of the family has identified that things, everyone can take turns sharing what that is for them, and then throughout the week each member of the family can take turns trying one another's peace on for size. Maybe you can travel together to someone's peaceful spot, or each take turns trying out the activity or item that brings someone peace. Either way, take turns sharing our peace and receiving your family member's peace throughout the week. Take some time at the end of the week to share with one another about the experience, both about giving your peace and receiving others'.

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